Our Services

Group 4

First Nations groups seeking community and economic development

Armstrong Muller has particular experience working with Indigenous Communities and Corporations, including many communities in remote areas.

Our team brings a wealth of experience in working within the Indigenous portfolio including high level policy and program development, strategic, corporate and organisational planning, economic development and community consultation. Our specialties also include industry and regional economic development, organisational and government feasibility studies and reviews, property planning and governance training.

Our ongoing work in the corporate sector allows us to apply current business knowledge to our community based work. We enjoy working in collaboration with Indigenous people to find innovative solutions to complex challenges. We deliver outcomes with care and sensitivity to cultural needs.

Armstrong Muller can review Indigenous Land Use Agreements to ensure Traditional Owner groups are maximising socio-economic benefits.

Armstrong Muller Consulting have, over the past 30 years, been involved in a wide and varied range of strategic and business planning projects for indigenous communities in SA, WA, NT and Queensland in diverse fields such as hospitality, community services and small business development.

Our team can assist through an early analysis of the proponent’s current status, identifying achievable goals and timelines, and developing productive partnerships with industry or regional partners where appropriate. We ensure ongoing and open communication and facilitation with the indigenous organisations. Our experience in remote communities enables us to take into consideration the challenges of isolation and to plan for realistic outcomes and the need for future planning and review.

Our consultants can demonstrate the broad base of experience required to deliver a successful outcome, including a substantial amount of work with the commercial sector.

Some examples of projects that AMC have done in this field.

  • Preparation of Business Cases for the Albury & District Local Aboriginal Land Council to
    consider five opportunities as part of the Wiradjuri Nation Economic & Social Development
    Project. The projects considered were:
    – Eco_Cultural Services
    – Business Precinct and Wellness Centre
    – Aged Care Services
    – Modular Housing
    – Construction and Property Management
  • Delivery of the Indigenous Business Prequalification Support Project to Indigenous
    businesses to enable them to pre-qualify for work with resource companies in rural and
    remote areas.
  • Project Director for the development of feasibility and business plans for eight Indigenous-
    owned cattle properties across the NT under the ILC’s Indigenous Pastoral Program
  • Preparation of business plans for Aboriginal owned enterprises to provide services to mining
    companies in joint arrangements with Tier 2 suppliers
  • Preparation of guidelines for spending on Social Programs for a number of Indigenous
    Groups in receipt of royalty income
  • Developed Business plans for communities in remote and regional areas including the West
    Coast of South Australia, Maralinga Tjaratju Lands, APY Lands, Tiwi Islands, Groote Eylandt,
    Darwin region, Arnhem Land, Kimberleys

Armstrong Muller Consulting has been involved in numerous Government program evaluations
and reviews for, and of, Indigenous organisations. These evaluations and reviews can be for any
number of purposes.
We have a team of specialist consultants who together have a broad range of experience and
knowledge of Indigenous communities; their governance structures, financial operations, human
resource needs, Government program and policy directives and cultural imperatives. We are therefore in a prime position to engage with Government, communities and organisations to review
current practices and outcomes, and to produce an evaluation or review that contains a set of
practical and achievable recommendations for the Community, Board, management and Funding
Agencies to consider.
We work productively between Government bodies and Indigenous organisations as we understand
government guidelines, programs and probity principles and that they are seeking positive outcomes
for Aboriginal people across the country. Our expertise in building capacity through the review
process assists.
We also offer valuable review services to Native Title Groups who have previously negotiated Land
Access Agreements and then need to evaluate whether the agreed terms of reference have been
adhered to.
Previous projects we have completed in this field include:

  • Acting as a Project Director on a part time basis for 12 months on a significant national 
    project for a client that required resourcing, introduction of new processes and technology, 
    assessment of capital expenditure, liaison with the end customer. 
  • Review of Financial Counselling Services and the No Interest Loan Scheme for the Department of Communities (WA) 
  • Undertake economic costings and impact analysis work, to help inform the Commonwealth
    Government’s response to the “Final Report of the Independent Review of the Pesticides and
    Veterinary Medicines Regulatory System in Australia”
  • Review of Waalitj Hub
  • National Indigenous Australians Agency – Native Title & Land Division – An evaluation of the Township Leasing Measure introduced in 2007.
  • National Indigenous Australians Agency – Native Title & Land Division – An evaluation of the Land Tenure Pilot Program.
  • Reviews of Aboriginal Corporations for ORIC as part of their ongoing audit process
  • Review transportation costs and related policy and procedures for a disability service
    provider with a fleet of 55 motor vehicles – 2023
  • Assist a Federal Government Agency to gain a greater understanding of the commercial and
    environmental obligations, financial position, market performance and any issues of remediation of a mining company in regard to a mine closure.
  • Review of the operations of the Aboriginal lands Trust of SA and the preparation of a
    business plan to deal with their requirements for going forward
  • Operational Review and Organisation Realignment of the businesses and administration
    activities within the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY)
  • Major review of a significant Trust Fund for the Corporate Trustee and Traditional owner Trustees
  • Evaluation of the multi-sports Regional Participation Agreement in the APY Lands
  • Review of the CDEP Delivery Model in the Miwatj Region (East Arnhem Land).
  • Undertaking a survey of 28 Indigenous Community owned stores located in remote SA, eastern WA and southern NT
Armstrong Muller Consulting has extensive cross-disciplinary and cross-industry experience from 
working in the corporate sector for over 30 years. Since commencing operations, Armstrong Muller have assisted over 150 clients with management consulting and corporate finance advice. In most cases this advice has been provided at a pivotal point of a business’s development, considering new opportunities, reassessing operations, merging, acquiring or entering new regions.  
We pride ourselves on finding solutions to business challenges and delivering commercial outcomes.  
Strategic and business planning  This is a core offering of Armstrong Muller and subsequently, our planning process and reports are well refined. We have a particular focus on:  
  • Engaging our client throughout the process to ensure a strong level of ownership by the client
  • Considering the key aspects of marketing, operations, human resources, finance, and technology
  • The ‘plan, implement and review’ cycle to ensure plans are monitored and kept up to date
  • Preparing reports that are suitable for purpose. 

Armstrong Muller Consulting has combined their considerable corporate and Indigenous experience to enable them to deliver successful governance training and ongoing mentoring; We have also been involved in business mentoring for many of the organizations where they have completed strategic and business planning, feasibility study or organizational review processes. Government departments and agencies have contracted us to provide long term business mentoring to individual and organizational enterprises to ensure that they are provided with appropriate support, especially in the initial stages of the business development.

Our long term involvement with indigenous groups and organizations across the country means we can use the most effective method of governance training delivery and ongoing support: much of our governance delivery has been on the ground and ongoing, providing support and direction over a long period.

Our mentoring skills are well suited to working with Native Title groups who are forming their initial governance structures, and require support in developing practical but legitimate governance practices and funds distribution policies. It also enables us to combine with RTOs or other NGOs to provide high quality mentoring support and capacity building for employment projects or Human Resource planning.

Some examples of projects AMC have done in this field…

  • Assisting a Native Title Group with identifying and recommending governance practices and funds distribution processes;
  • Mentoring and capacity building with a business in a significant mining town as it pursues JV opportunities with existing operators
  • The provision of Governance training and mentoring support to five regional DEEWR organisations in South Australia over a twelve month period

Armstrong Muller Consulting has vast experience in Industry and Regional planning with Indigenous stakeholders involving a wide consultation process across a range of complex issues. Plans have addressed matters such as economic and employment development, primary production, development associated with mining activities, art production, regional marketing and co-ordination of Government programs.

The team’s experience in both regional and industry based strategic planning, and extensive knowledge of cross-industry projects in these areas, enables us to undertake broad-ranging projects that encourage a partnership approach from Industry with a range of Indigenous organisations.

Our experience and success in remote areas is a valuable resource for Industry Groups and Government organizations, who are planning to engage Indigenous organisations or communities. In particular we have:

  • An awareness of needing to consult with all relevant groups and community representatives throughout the project;
  • An understanding of Aboriginal culture and protocols;
  • First hand exposure to the range of influences on Indigenous businesses including the balance between Economic, Cultural, Social and Environmental outcomes;
  • An awareness of the issues affecting Aboriginal people in contemporary Australian society.

Armstrong Muller Consulting can also support native Title groups in developing and reviewing the terms of reference of Land Access Agreements with Industry and government, to ensure that Traditional Owners gain maximum economic benefit from these negotiations.

The experience of our principals in the corporate sector over the past 30 years enables us to translate current business knowledge to planning for these sectors.

Previous projects we have completed in this field include:

  • Preparation of an education piece entitled “Guide for Economic Development Opportunities
    on Indigenous Land” for the National Indigenous Australians Agency as part of the evaluation
    of Land Tenure Pilot Projects.
  • Preparation of the Economic Development and Employment Strategy for Groote Eylandt
    including the Business Plan for the economic arm of GEBIE and a transport Feasibility Study
  • Assist to facilitate the 7 industry clusters involved in the Aboriginal Employment Aboriginal
    Employment Industry Champions Network
  • Developing the National Indigenous Forestry Strategy for ATSIC and DAFF. Key Objectives
    included Provide a national strategy and framework for encouraging greater indigenous
    participation in the forest growing, timber processing and non-timber forest products sectors
  • Preparation of a Strategic Plans for each of Desart and the Association of Northern Kimberley
    and Arnhem Aboriginal Artist Corporation (ANKAAA), the representative group for Central
    Australia and Top End Indigenous Art Centres – 1997
  • Review the Native Food Industry in South Australia and what it means to Indigenous people
    in terms of direct and indirect benefits and opportunities for commercial outcomes. – 200

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